Last additions - Newport Wetlands, 18th May 2008 |

257 viewsThe visitor centreMay 18, 2008

228 viewsCows lying down. No rain, so they must just have been knackeredMay 18, 2008

228 viewsWillow tree growing out of a drainage channelMay 18, 2008

65 viewsCows don't move around much eitherMay 18, 2008

82 viewsMay 18, 2008

61 viewsPlants, unlike birds, tend to stay still for the camera. Here's a teaselMay 18, 2008

76 viewsMay 18, 2008

66 viewsNesting boxes on the trees by the path. No comings or goings while I was there (then again I lost interest after about 30 seconds)May 18, 2008

69 viewsMay 18, 2008

59 viewsMe gazing wistfully out to sea. Not sure what the slightly constipated look on my face is for; I think I was facing into the wind...May 18, 2008

63 viewsMay 18, 2008

104 viewsThe sea wallMay 18, 2008