Shed Conversion, 4th-5th September 2010 |
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142 viewsShed exterior

72 viewsShed interior: this has pretty much all got to go.

61 viewsSome of the screws were a bit reluctant to come out

56 viewsEasy bit first - the lower shelves

57 viewsMain shelves still very much in place despite all the screws being removed

57 viewsLet's saw the legs off, that'll help

55 viewsStill no joy

92 viewsRight, deploy the wrecking bar, that'll do the trick

88 viewsTold you

93 viewsOne down

83 viewsThere's the other one

87 viewsCollateral damage on the exterior render; I must have shifted a couple of the breeze blocks slightly with my frenzied prising. No major structural implications, hopefully.
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